Hi-fi rush roxanne
Hi-fi rush roxanne

Supers can vary between damaging blows to healing himself, but generally the gauge can be saved up until the stage ends. Chai is capable of performing Special Attacks once the gauge accumulates (every Special Attack has different Gauge requirements), which then can be used in battle. Chai can differentiate using Light and Heavy attacks having different outcomes depending if the player delays the moves or not.Ĭhai can also collect Batteries to utilize his Reverb Gauge, functioning as a super meter of sort. The game isn't locked to the music track however, but timing attacks to the beat grant different bonuses. This is most notable with combat, with attacks and dodges matching the beat of the current track. Everything in the game, from the environment to the enemies to Chai himself is synced up with the music.

hi-fi rush roxanne

The game revolves around Chai traversing and between the different departments of Vandelay Technologies, fighting against the respective bosses at the end of the respective level. Now with the corporation designating him as a prime target, Chai must defend himself alongside the help of his allies to take the bosses down.

hi-fi rush roxanne hi-fi rush roxanne

This causes him to be labeled as a "defect", making him a target for deactivation by the company. While participating as one of the volunteers for Project Armstrong, during the procedure, Chai receives a robotic arm, but also unintentionally becomes fused with his music player. Hi-Fi Rush stars Chai as a wannabe rockstar that fights against the forces of Vandelay Technologies alongside his allies.

Hi-fi rush roxanne